Saturday, October 14, 2006

Blog Overload

I have a friend who really is an Internet hound. She is dedicated to her e-mail correspondence, frequently forwarding political commentary or "friend" missives (i.e., "This is for all my girlfriends. . .") She scours the Internet for information about particularly relevant to her moment (this week the hot topic is Lasik surgery). She follows specific websites for their political reporting. She buys books from Amazon. She wins auctions on E-Bay. She forwards me links to websites she thinks I might appreciate. The Internet, in general, is certainly her friend. Nevertheless, she hates blogs -- almost vehemently. She believes blogs clutter the Internet with way too much information. According to her, it is just too much!

My friend made no comment about how she feels about bloggers. I trust she does not have an issue with bloggers themselves -- but maybe she was just being polite and did not want to tell me she thinks I am wasting my time and infringing on her mental state by participating in one of the biggest, eeriest phenomenons of our time.


Anonymous said...

reality check -- clearly that is my friend's opinion, and likely shared but many. I, on the other hand, as a traveler of the blogosphere am completely fascinated and entranced by what I find out there. Thanks for getting back to me.

Floosyjane said...

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure.

Anonymous said...

cobrae -- so true, indeed.